Having a monochrome camera gives better monochrome images than converting from a Bayer filtered image. Since the LS911 is a monochrome, and that is great, there are still times when you want color.

There are methods of getting color:

  • Using a color wheel.
  • Adding a Bayer CFA to the sensor. This could be done in the future, though more likely for the LS55.
  • Using software to colorize the image, which could be more useful for video. It trains itself from a color image then it will process, resulting images in color. We're working on this.
  • Just painting the image.

Since I don't have the skills, I hired nieceydoc at https://www.fiverr.com/nieceydoc and got it painted in color. I'm very happy with the effect!

The image that was painted:


The image in the original monochrome:


Model: Brittany C Noel
Colorization by: nieceydoc https://www.fiverr.com/nieceydoc
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre-Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Schneider SYMMAR 300mm f/5.6/500mm f/12 Convertible Lens
Infra red blocking filter
Photo Taken: February 21, 2015 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved

And one more photo from last year:


Reenactors of the American Civil War
Camera: LargeSense LS911-3a Pre-Production Camera
Lens: Rodenstock Brass Triplexstigmat 16.5 inch F7.7
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Formatt HiTech 100 x 100mm Resin Standard Neutral Density 3.0 Filter
Kodak Deep Blue #47 Wratten
IR and UV blocking filter
Colorization by: nieceydoc www.fiverr.com/nieceydoc
The National Civil War Association http://ncwa1863.org/
TRES PINOS CIVIL WAR DAYS, San Benito County Historical Park
Tres Pinos, California, USA
Photo Taken: September 12, 2015
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved

Category: New_Photos

Bill Charbonnet

Founder of LargeSense, the maker of large format digital cameras and backs.

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