Here's some first photos with an experimental color wheel. You can see more information about the color wheel here: Color Wheel
The photos are up close with a lot of bellows extension, which limits the dept of field, so they don't show everything in focus. They are all taken with one Paul Buff Einstein flash directly at the flower using a 8.5-inch Silver High Output Reflector. The flowers had a lot of light on them, but that was needed since the lenses were stopped down a lot, plus the color filters are pretty dark. I also put an IR blocking filter on the lenses.
The sunflower with a blue background had a blue gelled flashed aimed at a white background to give the impression of a sky.
The photos have too much red in them as I didn't fully correct the color balance on these images. In January I'll be taking more color photos and will fully correct them. I'm happy with the feeling of the color. They were processed in 16 bit ProPhoto RGB color space and converted to sRGB. I could see some color loss in sRGB but it is not too bad.

Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Experimental Color Wheel - color not fully calibrated, image has too much red
Direct Einstein Flash for flower
Schneider Kreuznach G-Claron 9/305- used at f/64
Photo Taken: Dec. 16, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Experimental Color Wheel - color not fully calibrated, image has too much red
Direct Einstein Flash for flower
Carl Zeiss Jena DDR Tessar 4.5/ 250 mm - used at f/32
Photo Taken: Dec. 15, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Experimental Color Wheel - color not fully calibrated, image has too much red
Direct Einstein Flash for flower, blue gelled flash for background
Carl Zeiss Jena DDR Tessar 4.5/ 250 mm - used at f/32
Photo Taken: Dec. 15, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved