Corrie was a good sport. Once again I tried to take George Hurrell type photos, and hopefully I got closer this time. The point is to show the effect that a large format digital sensor can have on the look you are making, as compared to Canon/Nikon. Using two Fresnel hot lights. The first photo had no IR blocking filter so the black clothing had more reflecting. The second photo had the IR filter in place causing the black clothing to reflect less.
Model: Corrie J
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Bausch & Lomb Extra Rapid Symmetrical 8x10 (about 250mm focal lenth)
Photo Taken: Sept. 11, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved
For the next one I tried out my new old 21 inch lens:
Model: Corrie J
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Kodak Anastigmat 21 inch f/10 Lens
Photo Taken: Sept. 11, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved
Founder of LargeSense, the maker of large format digital cameras and backs.