Ellie in the LargeSense Studio. I was trying out a test camera stand to use while we build a quality camera stand. The Petzval lens is about f/2 and I used ISO 6400 so I had to turn off most of the room lights and used a modeling light to give directional light source. The Aviar Aerial Anastigmat 14"/5.6 is a bit harsh and perhaps better looking with machines than people.

Subject: Ellie
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
8 inch long A T Thompson, Boston Magic Lantern Lens (Darlot France)
Shutter and aperture: 1/26s f/2
ISO 6400
Photo Taken: May 31, 2017 San Jose, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved

Subject: Ellie
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
Aviar Aerial Anastigmat 14"/5.6
Shutter and aperture: 1/26s f/5.6
ISO 6400
Photo Taken: May 31, 2017 San Jose, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved

For the first image I used the auto colorizer to convert to color before converting back to black and white. http://largesense.com/index.php/blog/automatic-colorizing-test/

Some shots of our the shoot with Ellie and the quick prototype text camera stand:

Category: New_Photos

Bill Charbonnet

Founder of LargeSense, the maker of large format digital cameras and backs.

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